S4:E16 – Agile 2 with Cliff Berg
Join us for a discussion with Cliff Berg about Agile 2. The Agile movement took us away from big up-front plans, micromanagement, and projects-by-numbers. It shifted the focus from big initiatives to small teams, from big promises to incremental deliveries, and from handoffs between specialists to collaboration and self-sufficiency. But after some time, people started to notice that something is not right, and joined together for a fresh start – not an incremental one: a start that is informed by the first Agile experiment, but that does not hesitate to make major departures: a new beginning. They call it Agile 2.
Important point is that Agile 2 does not presume to answer every question. Agile 2 is a set of ideas – nothing more.
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Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!